Abdominal Diseases are caused by a variety of factors, including constipation, indigestion, ulcers, gastric problems, and more. The following package aids in bringing the abdominal condition under control. These are all Divya Pharmacy goods.
1. Divya Chitrakadi Vati: 40 gm
2. Divya Udaramarita Vati: 40 gm
Directions for Use: You can ingest two pills of each medication with lukewarm water in the morning and the evening.
3. Divya Triphala Churna: 100 gm
4. Divya Haritaki Churna: 100 gm
Directions for Use: Take both of these medications (3 & 4) two times a day, in the morning and in the evening, by mixing them in equal parts with water.
5. Divya Sarvakalpa Kwath: 300 gm
- Take this medication with a teaspoon.
- 400 ml of water was added to it.
- Boil this mixture until 100 ml is left.
- Strain the item
- Take this two times daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, one hour before supper, on an empty stomach.
6. Divya Kumaryasava Ras: 450 ml
7. Divya Punarnavarishta: 450 ml
Directions for Use: Take it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, by combining two spoonfuls of each of these items (6 & 7) with an equal quantity of water.
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