Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Stone
Stones are a very significant issue that is now quite prevalent. In general, surgery or operation is preferred to treat kidney stone issues, however even after the procedure, kidney stone production might recur. In essence, a kidney stone is a condition where a hard mass develops in the kidneys. This solid substance is made up of a calcium compound that is naturally insoluble. Therefore, one herbal medicine that aids in providing relief from the condition of kidney stones is employed in this health package. These medications aid in breaking up kidney stones so they may be eliminated from the body through the urine. The following is a list of these products and the dose instructions.
- Divya Vrkka Dosa-Hara Kvatha -200 gm
- Divya Sarvkalp Kwath-100 gram
Dosage: Add the two medications together. Take 400ml of water and combine it with one teaspoon of this mixture. Boil this mixture until 100 ml is left. Take it twice a day, before breakfast and supper, after straining it out.
- Divya Giloy Sat-10 gram
- Divya Vasanta Kusumakara Rasa-1 gram
- Divya Hajarula Yahuda Bhasma-10 gram
- Divya Punarnavadi Mandura-10 gram
Dosage: Combine the four medicines mentioned above to create a combination. 60 equal pieces of this mixture should be divided. Take each dose with lukewarm water or honey one hour before breakfast and supper.
- Divya Chandraprabha Vati -40 gram
- Divya Gokshuradi Guggulu-40 gram
- Divya Vrikkadoshar vati-40 gram
Dosage: You can take one tablet of each medicine two times a day after breakfast and dinner with water
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