Kitchen Solution For Cough, Mucous, or Congested Chest in Children

Kitchen Solution For Cough

Kitchen Solution For Cough, Mucous, or Congested Chest in Children

Kitchen Solution For Cough, Mucous, or Congested Chest in Children – Whether it is summer or winter, the seasonal changes can easily take a toll on anyone’s health and Children can easily get affected due to this. Congestion or phlegm in the chest is one of the most common health issues that makes breathing difficult, usually during the night. Even finest of the Western Medicines take time to cure it. Here we are mentioning a simple home remedy for instant relief. This home remedy can also be used for adults too. Ingredients: MUSTARD OIL+ SEA SALT + Mild Warm Towel Process: Apply Baby’s chest with lukewarm Mustard oil mixed with a pinch of sea salt and then do a gentle massage in a clockwise direction for about 5-10 mins. Thereafter cover the chest with a mildly warm towel over it. Remove it after 4 -5 seconds. Again put on the warm towel and repeat the process 3 – 4 times. It will emulsify the mucous and relieve the congestion plus dilate the bronchioles making breathing easier. Later rinse the oil with a warm wet towel and don’t allow the baby to move around thus always advisable to be done before sleep. Repeat the process once every day for a week. Caution: Ensure the hot towel is bearable for a baby or kid. Test the warmth by placing the towel on your cheeks first.

Dr. Arindham Chatterjee M.D. Global Ayucare™

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